Girl, What Do You See?


“Girl, What Do You See?” is an uplifting and relatable story that follows the journey of a young girl named Andy. Unsure of what she wants to be when she grows up, Andy finds herself at a crossroads. While her mother suggests a career in medicine, Andy is hesitant and feels uncertain about that path.

Throughout the story, Andy embarks on a self-discovery adventure, exploring different interests and hobbies. As she navigates through various activities, she pays attention to what truly brings her joy and fulfilment. Along the way, she stumbles upon her passion for cooking, realising that it ignites a fire within her and allows her creativity to flourish.

“Girl, What Do You See?” is an inspirational tale that encourages young readers, particularly tween and early teenage girls, to seek clarity on their passions and talents. By identifying the activities that bring them happiness and fulfilment, the story emphasises the importance of pursuing one’s own unique path in life.

This book serves as a reminder that it’s okay to explore different interests and not conform to others’ expectations. It instils the belief that with self-discovery, courage, and determination, young girls can overcome obstacles and confidently pursue their dreams.



“Girl, What Do You See?” is an uplifting and relatable story that follows the journey of a young girl named Andy. Unsure of what she wants to be when she grows up, Andy finds herself at a crossroads. While her mother suggests a career in medicine, Andy is hesitant and feels uncertain about that path.

Andy embarks on a self-discovery adventure throughout the story, exploring different interests and hobbies. As she navigates through various activities, she pays attention to what truly brings her joy and fulfillment. Along the way, she stumbles upon her passion for cooking, realizing that it ignites a fire and allows her creativity to flourish.

“Girl, What Do You See?” is an inspirational tale that encourages young readers, particularly tween and early teenage girls, to seek clarity on their passions and talents. By identifying the activities that bring them happiness and fulfillment, the story emphasizes the importance of pursuing one’s unique path in life.

This book serves as a reminder that it’s okay to explore different interests and not conform to others’ expectations. It instills the belief that with self-discovery, courage, and determination, young girls can overcome obstacles and confidently pursue their dreams.


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